The Field
I first became aware of Lynne McTaggart and her book about
The Field in the middle of last month, June 2015. That was
only a few weeks ago. In the meantime I've bought and read a
copy of that book. She identifies "The Field" with the zero
point field, which is a playground for quantum effects. I do
feel a bit stupid to have missed all the ideas presented by
her on behalf of the scientists and philosophers she
interviewed in the course of writing that book.
However, Lynne McTaggart's zero point field appear to have
additional qualities that I so far have not been able to
verify in my version of the universe. The somewhat tamer
version of a field I am describing simply consists of the
fabric of the universe in a uniform state of oscillating
motion. It provides a physical playground which permeates
everything in the universe. A perfect scene where to
investigate the possibilities of interacting with The Field
as described by Lynne McTaggart.
"My field" advertise its presence in the form of a "zero
point field", just like "The Field" is supposed to do and we
may safely guess that we are talking about the same field.
My only objective on these pages is to show how it works by
explaining the mechanism that keeps everything going.
The mechanism of Time...
Posted July 2015.
According to my findings the very same mechanism is
responsible for almost everything we have encountered so far,
be it matter, motion, inertia, gravitation, quantum effects,
time and...You name it!
What then is the actual mechanism?
Elasticity! Oscillations of the good old fabric of the
universe! Simple as that!
So simple in fact that "Good vibrations" and "Endless
vibrations" has been a leading theme in songs, novels...and
movies... In other words: Not a new idea!...Except nobody
found any mechanism that would allow those oscillations to
simultaneously support all the physical phenomenon of the
world we live in. That is.. until I happened to stumble over
it while trying to understand how time works. Pondering over
what consequence my discovery might have for the Standard
Model I arrived at the scenario I am presently exposing and
explaining on this site.
An elastic Fabric of the universe.
Before the times of Max Planck and Albert Einstein a lot of
effort went into the search of equations to describe an Aether
that would allow the earth to travel unhindered in its path
around the sun. Because this was before anyone knew about
quantum effects or about the Big Bang, the mathematicians and
scientists working on the problem had no reason to take the
effects of an eventual blow or a stroke to the Aether-body
into account, or to try and figure out what effect this or
some similar incident would have on the Aether model they were
working on.
Had they known I am sure they, rather then I, would have
presented this oscillating model of our universe and, well in
advance of the findings of Planck and Einstein, they would
also have been able to predict the appearance of quantum
As things stand you're stuck with me and my rather amateurish
I cannot say much about the fabric of the universe other then
that it is elastic and has similar properties as those of a
very elastic solid. I have no clue at all about its components
(if any...). To my best estimate it actually seem to be truly
isotropic. The mathematics describing its properties is known
mechanics. That level of mathematics is well beyond my
horizon, so you will not have any equations from me. There
are links on other pages to proper sources, but
mathematically oriented readers are welcome to apply their own
skill and present their findings on the comments page.
The same apply of cause to anyone who want to share their
In the aftermath of the Big
Whatever happened at the big bang event it left the
fabric of the universe in a state of volume-vise oscillations
between a small and a somewhat larger volume. These
oscillations are very rapid due to the combination of
elasticity and stiffness of the isotropic fabric. This
combination may also have the effect of synchronizing the
oscillations over large distances.
The oscillating fabric has a different name. We call it space.
Another name is vacuum. Yet another one is "The Field". Not
too long ago it was presumably detected. It was then heralded
by a long sought after particle. The Higgs particle. So now it
has a new name: "The Higgs Field"...(...Not quite a joke. See
below about the mechanism of inertia.)
The oscillations, which are ongoing at every point in space is
the cause of the zero point energy and so also the cause of
the quantum effects.
If the pure mind of living beings may in any way manipulate
this oscillating field as is suggested by The "new age" Field
enthusiasts remains to be seen. I do however want to point out
that according to my findings there must indeed exist a
physical field of sorts to investigate just as Lynne McTaggart
and other field enthusiasts insist.
Time and matter.
Time is what I originally set out to understand. I did not ask
for the rest. Instead all of that came about as a byproduct of
understanding how time works and what it actually is.
That time is a very important ingredient to the everyday life
must be obvious to everyone. Our civilization would simply
fall to pieces if time was not there to order all events, so
stating that time does not exist is quite stupid since anyone
can see that it is wrong simply by moving, because you can't
have motion without time.
However, on second thought one realizes that this may not be
quite true. It could well be the other way around: You can't
have time without motion.
So how does time manifest itself? By the time-span of the
present moment!
According to my ideas this time-span, actually the only
duration of "time" that exist, is also the shortest time-span
imaginable, identical to what is known as Planck-Time. Only
x 10ˉ⁴⁴ way we can measure that!
However, not only short it actually spans a complete cycle of
oscillation of the three dimensions of our entire universe.
More a space-thing then a time-thing if you ask me. That
insight is the reason behind my somewhat careless remarks in
other essays about non-existing time, because if "time" is
nothing else but a
x 10ˉ⁴⁴ s long (short?) elastic motion of the fabric of our
universe that carries you along then it does not let you get
very far...
Still.. short as it is, it is a duration.
So what can happen during that short time? Answer is that
while oscillating between a small size and a larger size as
suggested above, it will also carry along any localized
oscillations in the fabric. They will resonate with and
eventually be driven and sustained by the coordinated
background oscillations of the fabric of the universe.
The localized oscillations I refer to are of cause the
constituents of matter. Quarks, electrons, etc. etc. All
waves of different sorts. The fermion waves being a version of
longitudinal sound-waves in the three dimensions of the fabric
of the universe and the bosons being transverse waves in the
same background fabric.
The problem that prompted the Aether model physicists to
search for equations as above does not exist if the sole
constituents of matter is ongoing local oscillations in the
background fabric. Instead of slowing the advance of an earth
made of particles, this "Oscillating Aether" version of our
universe will participate in, and promote the motion of any
and all localized oscillations, such as the wave-part of the
present paradigm about the duality of particles.
What then motivates the particle aspect? The fermions can
collide, whereas the type of waves we are more used to, the
bosons, just pass through each other. So why does not the
longitudinal waves of the fermions do the same? This has to do
with the very brief duration of the background oscillations
which will serve to "chop up" the available volume into small
three-dimensional oscillating cells, each having capacity to
contain only one localized oscillation. When two cells, each
populated with one of these sound-wave type oscillations,
approach each other, the expanding half of the complete cycle
of oscillation will push them apart upon which the shrinking
half of the same cycle will localize and keep them apart.
Regarding bosons, the "chopped up" oscillating background will
also "chop off" the part of their transverse wavefront
sticking out on the sides, in effect creating a single small
transverse wave in each cell. We know them as photons...
Motion, inertia and
To understand the details of motion, pondering over some
observations regarding acceleration and gravitation is a good
place to start.
Everyone know that there are certain forces associated with
acceleration which are caused by something called inertia that
normally, but not in the case of free fall in a gravitation
field, oppose acceleration.
The problem with gravitation is how to explain this, and why
suddenly inertia is back if you go beyond the free fall
acceleration limits.
Explaining inertia is what the Higgs-mechanism was invented to
do, and from my point of view it is relatively close to what
seem to be the actual mechanism, but does not reach all the
The correct cause of inertia is the already described
They maintain the speed of anything moving. Once every moment,
when the cycle of oscillation moves into the shrinking half,
the moving body is stopped, only to be accelerated up to speed
again when the expanding half of the cycle arrive. This stop
and go motion due to the oscillations that take place 1 /
(5.4 x 10ˉ⁴⁴) times each second brakes the body of
matter to a standstill and then immediately accelerate it back
up to the original speed. Any deviation from this by external
force will be met by "inertia", but otherwise the body of
matter will just keep on moving in the original direction and
at the original speed. The truly staggering number of moments
each second is what has been and still is hiding this state of
affairs from direct observation.
So, if the same mechanism operate for matter in deep space as
in a gravitation field, then why does not inertial forces
accompany the acceleration due to gravitation? The answer is
less exotic then you might think. The reason is that during
each oscillation the fabric is also stretched towards the
center of the gravitation field where all the different
oscillating constituents of matter each pull home a little bit
more fabric then does empty space. Let's name this
"gravitation stretch". This minute stretch each and every
moment is the single cause of gravitation and is providing an
inertia-free "slide" for trespassers towards the body of
matter at the center.
Acceleration and
Whereas the bosons sort of "wrinkle" the fabric it transverse,
the fermion oscillations instead push back on the surrounding
sphere of fabric each oscillation. This is due to the
longitudinal motion of the fabric caused by resonance with the
background volume oscillations. This resonance is what keeps
everything going, including variations to the local fermion
oscillations caused by acceleration.
In order for the fermion to move the local oscillation will
need to have a component of stretch in the direction of
travel. Let us call that the "acceleration stretch" to make it
distinct from the general spherical stretch caused by the
background oscillations.
Local acceleration stretch is caused either by collisions with
other fermions which provide directed pushes that are then
shared between the interacting fermions or else it is induced
by resonance with the gravitation stretch in a gravitation
field that the fermion happen to pass by...(the slide).
The local acceleration stretch may rate between zero and
maximum where zero stretch would result in a state of motion
rather impossible to detect: No motion at all.
The maximum acceleration stretch on the other hand is motion
almost at the speed of light, where the fermion is trying to
chase down photons...
If my earlier statement that "You can't have motion without
time" were to be exchanged for "You can't have time without
motion" as I suggested, then time-dilation stops being a
mystery because motion against a large acceleration stretch
would be more difficult then motion against less such stretch
and would then require a greater number of moments to complete
any interaction, making it appear that time has slowed down.
Note: I am not sure this page is quite done, so I might update
it later on.
Have a nice
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