The Quantum Realm.
Oscillations, the simple cause of quantum effects.
Posted 31/12 2016.
That understanding time would lead to so many other insights
is a good indication that the ideas presented on this site
about the cause of time are mainly correct, first because the
insights are pretty obvious once the simple dynamics of the
Dynamic Present is understood, and secondly because they all
fit together. This one is about the origin of quantum
mechanical effects.
Our universe is actually just a very large
oscillator where energy delivered by
the Big Bang event is transformed back and forth between
kinetic and potential energy.
The same process is simultaneously driving vibrations located
at various spots in the oscillating fabric by
resonance, keeping them going
indefinitely, or at least for as long as the fabric of our
universe keeps oscillating.
These local vibrations may be transverse (bosons) or
longitudinal (fermions), but the interesting thing about them
with respect to quantum mechanics is that they are all sitting
in a very shaky environment which they are also driven by
through resonance if the property of spin* may be a witness.
These oscillations of the fabric of the Dynamic Present
universe cause the difficulties defined by the
uncertainty principle as well as all
other quantum effects. They enable the transmission of
transverse oscillations so that photons can spread light. They
are also host of the longitudinally oscillating spheres of the
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