From "Our sense of Time":
"So, if our sense of time is real and space-time does not
exist, then what is it that our senses detect? Oscillations.
The elastic fabric of space, our complete universe, is still
oscillating radially as a result of the Big Bang event. Each
of these pulses of radial oscillation constitutes a present
moment. -A "now". Because the entire volume of space
oscillates radially between two extremes where one is larger
then the other, the transit in volume between the extremes
is interpreted as duration by our senses. In other words, as
time. The duration of this present moment would be very
short and could well correspond to the rather brief duration
of Planck Time, about 5.4 x 10ˉ⁴⁴ s."
In order to give you a better idea of what motion in the
oscillating fabric of space would look like I've made up a
.gif file that is running here below. In this gif the
frame-rate is only 24/s as opposed to the actual 1.875⁴³/s
(C/ℓP) of our universe. However, the slower rate better show
the rather violent "quantum" oscillations of the fabric of
the universe that the specimen particles resonate with and
consequently is driven by. This state of affairs is
otherwise hidden by the incredible frame-rate of the
universal oscillations. The specimen particles in turn are
actually just quite ordinary longitudinal oscillations,
similar to sound-waves. As they resonate with the
surrounding oscillations they obtain, unlike transverse
oscillations, the ability to resonate as a standing wave
that does not move.
The standing wave mode is represented by the left specimen
in the gif below. The right specimen could be moving at any
speed, but here it is moving at the speed of light,
oscillating in the direction of motion at the maximum
amplitude of one Planck Length each Planck Time duration of
the present, eventually leaving the picture at the right
edge. After a few more frames the gif start anew. Using the
actual scale of things, the left specimen will be doing all
its resonating at the same spot. Each of the 1.875⁴³ frames
of oscillation during one second may therefore move the arms
of a local clock a full Planck length distance around its
face each frame. The right specimen is however using all of
its available Planck length every frame in order to move 299
792 458 m to the right rather then moving the arms of any
co-moving clock, thereby causing its local "time" to stop
when traveling at the speed of light.
The amount of time-dilation of the right specimen at other
speeds would confirm to the calculations of special
relativity. It should however, as you may understand from
the example on hand, be noted that traditional Minkowski
space-time does not exist. Especially not in the sense of
any 4th dimension that one may travel in or as a "block" of
space-time. Minkowski space-time and all dimensions above
three belong to the fairy tale category! They are simply not
any necessary ingredient.
I do however propose that the universal oscillations each
5.4 x 10ˉ⁴⁴ s exist as a real phenomenon and that the
"quantum realm" is, correctly interpreted, the oscillating
proof thereof. Each oscillation still reusing the universal
instant of simultaneity, the present, just as it has been
doing ever since the Big Bang, thereby forming a live
"space-time present" that keeps the universal clock ticking.
I suppose Newton would have liked this...
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